Supabase vs Planetscale: A Comparative Analysis for Your First Project

In the ever-evolving world of database management and backend services, two names that often come up are Supabase and Planetscale. Both offer unique features and cater to different needs in the realm of web and app development. This article aims to provide a comparative analysis of these two platforms, highlighting their pros and cons, and why Supabase might be the ideal choice for kickstarting your project.

What is Supabase?

Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative, providing a suite of tools that help in rapid backend development. It's known for its ease of use, PostgreSQL support, and real-time capabilities.

Pros of Supabase:

  1. Open Source: Being open-source, it offers transparency and a community-driven approach.
  2. PostgreSQL Based: It leverages PostgreSQL, which is robust and well-supported.
  3. Real-Time Functionality: Offers seamless real-time data synchronization.
  4. Ease of Use: User-friendly interface, making it ideal for beginners.
  5. Rich Tooling: Integrated authentication, storage, and instant APIs make it a comprehensive solution.

Cons of Supabase:

  1. Relatively New: It's newer in the market, which might raise concerns about maturity and long-term support.
  2. Limited Customization: Compared to more established solutions, customization options might be limited.

What is Planetscale?

Planetscale is a scalable, serverless database platform built on top of Vitess, focusing on ease of scaling and database branching.

Pros of Planetscale:

  1. Serverless and Scalable: Excellently handles scaling challenges without significant management overhead.
  2. Branching and Merging: Unique database branching feature, similar to Git.
  3. Built on Vitess: Leverages Vitess’s proven track record in handling large-scale databases.
  4. MySQL Compatibility: Ideal for those accustomed to MySQL.

Cons of Planetscale:

  1. Less Ideal for Small Projects: Its features are more suited for large, scaling projects.
  2. Learning Curve: The branching model may require some getting used to.

Why Choose Supabase for Your First Version?

When it comes to building the first version of your application, Supabase stands out for several reasons:

  1. Quick Setup and Development: Its user-friendly nature and comprehensive features make it easier to set up and start developing without much hassle.
  2. Real-Time Capabilities: For applications that require real-time data (like chat apps or live updates), Supabase provides out-of-the-box solutions.
  3. Community and Support: Being open-source, Supabase has a growing community. This can be invaluable for troubleshooting and finding resources as a beginner.
  4. Cost-Effective: For startups and individual developers, keeping costs low is crucial. Supabase offers a generous free tier, making it cost-effective for small to medium-sized projects.
  5. Flexibility with PostgreSQL: The use of PostgreSQL means you’re not only using a powerful and trusted database, but it also provides flexibility if you need to migrate or scale your application in the future.


Both Supabase and Planetscale offer unique advantages depending on the needs and scale of the project. For those embarking on a new project, particularly with real-time data needs, limited budget, and a preference for PostgreSQL, Supabase emerges as a favorable choice. It offers a balanced combination of ease of use, functionality, and community support, making it an ideal platform for developing the first version of your app or web service.

Remember, the best choice depends on your specific project requirements, team expertise, and long-term goals. It's always beneficial to evaluate both options based on the current and future scope of your project.

Launch your SaaS with our Supabase + NextJS Course

Learn how to create an AI-powered SaaS from scratch using Supabase and Next.js. We will guide you from zero to launch. What you will learn:

  • Stripe payments
  • Authentication with email/password and social logins
  • AI functionality: Chat, Langchain integration, OpenAI API streaming and more
  • How to setup emails, file storage, etc.